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About Expectant Parents Organization

Expectant Parents Organization (EPO), a 501(c)(3), community-based nonprofit agency, has been serving Mid-Michigan parents for over 50 years. Although EPO has a close relationship with our local area hospitals, we are our own nonprofit entity. Our skilled team of qualified instructors provide an appreciation for the importance of partnering with families during the special time of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting a newborn. Please read through the class descriptions (click Register for Classes) to decide what is the perfect fit for your growing family. 


If you have any questions regarding classes or registration please contact us by email: or phone: (517) 887-7000. Please note that office hours are limited and email is the most efficient way to get in touch with us.


Many EPO Classes are covered by PHP/SPHN insurance, please email us for information to register. We are unable to bill any other insurance at this time. HSA and FSA cards may not be accepted at checkout. EPO also offers scholarship programs for families who qualify, email us if interested.


Our classes are open for anyone, regardless of where you plan to deliver. Classes are designed for expecting parents (including families who may be adopting or using surrogacy) and support people. We suggest that the ideal time to take classes is during an expectant parent’s third trimester of pregnancy. Classes will help prepare you for welcoming your new baby into your family.


Not sure where to begin? Our most popular classes are Labor & Delivery and Best Newborn Care Class. Please review topics for classes you are interested in, as there is overlap in many classes, but all offered classes do have many different topics covered.

Courses & Workshops

Labor & Delivery, Best Newborn Care, Breastfeeding, and Infant Care
Safe Slumbers, Postpartum Mental Health Workshop, Midwives, Homebirths & You, Welcome to the 4th Trimester

Pregnancy Exercise

Get prepared for childbirth with our Labor and Delivery class! If you're nervous about newborns, Best Newborn Care class is perfect for you! Planning on nursing your baby? Get all the knowledge about breast/chestfeeding in our Basics of Breastfeeding class. Infant Safety is always a good course to have, too, even as a refresher!

Classes are taught by our experienced instructors with an easy-to-follow curriculum that also offers at home continued education online. Our goal is to help you feel prepared, informed and empowered during birth and and the newborn stage. 

Cheerful Pregnant Woman

Virtual Classes

We offer a Labor & Delivery E-class that is self-paced and not taught with an instructor.

Grandpa and Grandchild Having Fun

Family Classes

In addition to classes for expectant parents we also offer self paced e-classes for expectant Grandparents and Big Siblings! Perfect for the Grandparent to be or Big Sibling to be in you life!

Capital Area Baby Cafe

Free Lactation Support

Join us at Capital Area Baby Cafe!  Baby Cafe is a free lactation support group for families in the Greater Lansing Area.  Led by an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) we offer support to parents anywhere in their lactation journey.  Refreshments are provided. 

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What is Baby Cafe About?

Baby Cafe provides a relaxed atmosphere for parents to navigate through the ups and downs of their lactation journey with other parents and professional support.  Our goal is help parents reach their own personal lactation goals and feel supported all along the way.  Lactating parents, their support people and other children are welcome to attend.

Capital Area Baby Cafe is a proud member of 

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What to Expect at Baby Cafe

Baby Cafe is a drop in support group led by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, IBCLC.  The first 30 minutes are settling in and then we do a round of introductions followed by both peer and professional support for lactation struggles or general parenting topics.  Refreshments are provided for the daytime group and dinner is provided for the the evening group.

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How to Attend Baby Cafe

Capital Area Baby Cafe is held each week on

Wednesday from 10 a.m. to Noon.  We also meet the first and third Thursdays of each month from 5:30 to 7 p.m.  The evening group provides dinner for families that attend.  We generally meet at Pennway Church of God (no religious affiliation) and we are at various parks during the summer months.  Please check our Facebook page or email us for event details.

Free Car Seat Safety Checks

Register today for a free car seat safety check.  One of our Certified Passenger Safety Technicians that will make sure your child is riding safely.  Our car seat safety checks are by appointment only. Please click register here below to sign up for our monthly car seat event.  You can also email us to potentially schedule a car seat check at a different time if needed. To schedule a car seat check please email


Please note during the months of January, February and March, car seat checks will be by appointment only - no monthly event will be scheduled. Email to schedule. 


Baby Friendly Movies

With the sound down and lights on dim, you have zero worries about keeping Baby quiet

Enjoy the big screen experience in an accepting and accessible environment where no one will mind if your baby is fussy or needs to be fed, or if your toddler needs to stretch their legs down the aisles. Check the Celebration Cinema website or app for the next showing. Currently offered twice a month on Tuesdays. Baby Friendly movies are marked with a pacifier icon. You can purchase tickets day of the event- just ask for the Baby Friendly showing at 11:01 am.


Tickets are discounted with the free rewards program from Celebration Cinema.  Children ages 2 and under are free! Don't forget to ask about the special Baby Friendly deal at the concession stand for a cheaper popcorn and drink!

Child smiling in cinema

Cuddle Cot Fundraiser

To support bereaved families

Following the loss of a Baby there is precious little time to spend with them before saying final goodbyes.  A Cuddle Cot is a chilled bassinet that allows grieving families extra time with their baby.  The Lansing area does not have a Cuddle Cot and we would like to remedy that.  Please donate if you are able.


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